818-597-8627 info@rcdsmm.org

Reports & Publications

All RCDSMM reports and publications are available upon request if not linked below.


Rescue, Reintroduction, and Genetic Conservation for Southern California Steelhead – Evaluation and Guidance. Stillwater Sciences. 2024. Rescue, Reintroduction, and Genetic Conservation for Southern California Steelhead – Evaluation and Guidance. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences, Ventura, California for Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Calabasas, California.
Access the Technical Report here.
NMFS Core 1, 2 and 3 watershed status summaries are available upon request.


Lessons from the Santa Monica Mountains: Continuing the cycle of conservation. Cooper, Daniel S.; Katz, Nurit D.; Demirci, Brianna, Osborn, Fiona M. August 2022. Brief Research Report article “Lessons from the Santa Monica Mountains: Contiusing the cycle of conservation”. Frontiers. Sustain. Sec Urban Greening. Vol. 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsc.2022.923946.
Access the article here.

Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve Wildfire Resilient Habitat Plan. Cooper, Daniel S.; Isles, Isabella J.; Stevens, Clark. “Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve Wildfire Resilient Habitat Plan”. June 2023.

With this report the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, in collaboration with The River Project and Balance Hydrologics, hope to improve wildfire resiliency through a combination of natural systems, restored native habitats, and defined access, to increase the ecological value of the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve while improving environmental conditions for adjacent disadvantaged communities. Access the full report here.

Watch a video about the project here.

Assessing and Improving the Ecological Function of Linear Parks Along the Lower Los Angeles River Channel, Los Angeles County, California, US. Cooper, Daniel S.; Katz, Nurit D.; Rogers, Morgan L.; and Osborn, Fiona M. (2023) “Assessing and Improving the Ecological Function of Linear Parks Along the Lower Los Angeles River Channel, Los Angeles County, California, US,” Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 16: Iss. 1, Article 4.
Article available to read here.

Ichthyofauna of the Los Angeles River. Drill, Sabrina L.; Post, Jason; Dagit, Rosi; and Aguilar, Andres (2023) “Ichthyofauna of the Los Angeles River,” Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 16: Iss. 1, Article 8.
Article available to read here.


Historical museum collections and contemporary population studies implicate roads and introduced predatory bullfrogs in the decline of western pond turtles: published in PeerJ – Life and Environment, access article here.

Occurrences of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in southern California, 1994-2018: published in the California Fish and Wildlife Journal, vol. 106(1).


Dagit, R., and R. Burnap. Early Detection Rapid Response Plan for Invasive Beetles Los Angeles County, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Final Report for Los Angeles County Contract #SPF03-03. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

The LA County Native Tree Priority Planting Plan provides guidelines for restoration and mitigation planting opportunities for a variety of native tree species within the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. The maps in the plan may also be accessed online in the interactive Native Tree Priority Planting Areas App.

Alvarez, Danielle and Dagit, Rosi 4886381 (2019) “Temporal and Volumetric Characteristics of Lagoons in the Santa Monica Bay and the Passage Implications for Southern California Steelhead Trout,” Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences: Vol. 118: Iss. 3.

Dagit, R., D. Alvarez, A. Della Bella, S. Contreras, B. Demirci, A. Kahler, E. Montgomery, H. Nuetzel and J. C. Garza. 2019. Steelhead abundance monitoring in the Santa Monica Bay, January 2017 – November 2019. Prepared for California Department of Fish and Wildlife Contract No. 1650904. Prepared by the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Alvarez, D. and R. Dagit. 2019. Temporal and volumetric characteristics of lagoons in the Santa Monica Bay and the passage implications for southern steelhead trout. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 118(3):1-27.

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 2019 Topanga Ranch Motel condition assessment and conceptual design for rehabilitation. Prepared for James Newland, CDPR.


Quantifying climate sensitivity and climate-driven change in North American amphibian communities: this study led by David Miller incorporated data from RCDSMM’s annual frog surveys in the Santa Monica Mountains. You can read the article here.

Santa Monica Bay Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Steelhead Monitoring, 2013-2018: a report prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife contracts Nos. P1250013 and P1450013.  The report is in four sections: Introduction and Appendices 4 & 5; Task 1; Task 2; Task 3

Comprehensive Lifecycle Monitoring of Oncorhynchus mykiss in Topanga Creek, California: Final Report 2008-2018: a report prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife contract No. P1550012.  P1550012 Lifecycle Final Report


How Can We Save Our Native Trees?  Drought and Invasive Beetle Impacts on Wildland Trees and Shrublands in the Santa Monica Mountains: a report for Los Angeles County contract CP-03-44, funded by Third District Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and with the assistance of the NASA DEVELOP Program. Report & Appendices.

Dagit, Rosi; Bell, Ethan; Adamek, Krista; Mongolo, Jennifer; Montgomery, Elizabeth; Trusso, Nina; and Baker, Peter (2017) “The effects of a prolonged drought on southern Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a coastal creek, Los Angeles County, California,” Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences: Vol. 116: Iss. 3.

Mongolo, J., N. Trusso, R. Dagit, A. Aguilar, S. Drill. 2017. A Longitudinal Temperature Profile of the Los Angeles River from June Through October 2016: Establishing a Baseline.  Prepared for USC Sea Grant Program Contract #10432541 and Trout Unlimited.  Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.


Dagit, R., S. Albers, and C. Stevens. 2015. Trancas Lagoon Restoration Feasibility Study. Prepared for CDFW Contract No. P1250009 and Zuma Beach Properties, LLC. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA

Dagit, R., K. Adamek, D. Hofflander, J. Mongolo and E. Montgomery. 2015. Santa Monica Bay Anadromous Adult and Juvenile Steelhead Monitoring 2013-2015. Prepared for CDFW contract No P1250013. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Dagit, R. K. Adamek, S. Albers, E. Montgomery, and A. Sanchez. 2015. Topanga Creek Steelhead Monitoring March 2011-December 2015. Prepared for California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Contract P105009. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Garcia, C., E. Montgomery, J. Krug and R. Dagit. 2015. Removal efforts and ecosystem effects of invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Topanga Creek, California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. Vol 114(1):12-21.

Montgomery, E., C. Garcia, K. Krug, and R. Dagit. 2015. Evidence for negative effects of drought on benthic macroinvertebrate community of a southern California Stream. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences Vol 114(3):129-140.

Riedel, T., V. Thulsirag, A. G. Zimmer-Faust, R. Dagit, J. Krug, K. T. Hanley, K. Adamek, D. L. Ebentier, R. Torres, U. Cobian, S. Peterson, and J.A. Jay. 2015. Long-term molecular marker monitoring in the Topanga Creek watershed, CA. USA, suggests that coastal fecal indicator bacteria are from multiple animal hosts, each with a different seasonal pattern. Water Research 71:227-243.


Topanga SourceIDDagit, R., J. Krug, K. Adamek, E. Montgomery, C. Garcia, S. Albers, J.A. Jay, T. Riedel, A. G. Zimmer-Faust, V. Thulsiraj, C. Marambio, S. Braband, D. Tufto and R. Sherman. 2014. Topanga Source Identification Study Final Report December 2012-August 2014. Prepared by the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains for Los Angeles County. Topanga, CA

Krug, J., R. Dagit, Stillwater Sciences, J. C. Garza. 2014. Lifecycle monitoring of Oncorhynchus mykiss in Topanga Creek, California. Final Report. Prepared for CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Contract No. PO950013. January 2014.


TCB Veg Mgmt Plan CoverTopanga Creek Watershed Management Plan: Topanga Canyon Boulevard Vegetation Management Implementation Plan 2013-2017 v10-21-13. April 2013

Dagit, R. 2013. Malibu Lagoon Restoration Fish Relocation Report. Prepared for Angeles District, CA Department of Parks and Recreation and the Santa Monica Bay Foundation. RCD of the Santa Monica Mountains, Agoura Hills, CA.

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutuala, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnson, L. Stratton. 2013. A Regional Survey of Extent and Magnitutde of Eutrophication in Southern Califonia Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts DOI 10.1007/s12237-013-9670-8.


CalTrans (Draft) Project Study Report: Topanga Environmental Corridor Study.
Request for information from Caltrans 2012 (coming soon)
Route 27 GIS Map

Krug, J., E. Bell and R. Dagit. 2012. Growing up fast: diet and growth of a population of Oncorhychus mykiss in Topanga Creek, California. California Fish and Game Bulletin 98(1):38-46.


Bell E., S. M. Albers, J. M. Krug, and R. Dagit. 2011. Juvenile growth of a population of
southern California steelhead trout (Oncorhychus mykiss). California Fish and Game Bulletin 97(1):25-35

Bell, Dagit and Lignon. 2011. Environmental Factors Controlling a Persistent Population
of Southern California Steelhead (Oncorhychus mykiss). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences No 110 (1):1-16.

Dagit, R and J. Krug. 2011. Summary Report Santa Monica Bay Steelhead Monitoring 2009-2011. Final Report to CDFG Contract No. P0850021. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains. Agoura Hills, CA.

Los Angeles County Oak Woodlands Habitat Conservation Strategic Alliance. 2011. Los Angeles County Oak Woodland Conservation Management Plan. Prepared for Los Angeles County.


Frame, J. 2010. An integrated surface water-groundwater interaction model fort he Carmel River. Masters Thesis. California State University, Monterey Bay.

Stillwater Sciences, R. Dagit and J. C. Garza. 2010. Lifecycle monitoring of O. mykiss in Topanga Creek, California. Final Report to CDFG Contract No. P0750021. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Agoura Hills, CA.


Dagit, R. 2009. Topanga Creek Restoration: Rodeo Berm Removal. Urban Coast Vol 1 (1):37-41 November 2009

Dagit, R., S. Adams and S. Drill. 2009. Die off and current status of Southern Steelhead  Trout (Oncorhynchs mykiss) in Malibu Creek, Los Angeles County, USA. Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin Vol 108(1):1-15.

Dagit, R., S. Albers, and S. Williams. 2009. Topanga Creek Southern Steelhead Monitoring: Snorkel Survey and Temperature Report 2008. Prepared for Contract No. P4050012 California Department of Fish and Game. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Agoura Hills, CA.


Dagit, R. and M. Abramson. 2007. Malibu and Arroyo Sequit Creeks Southern Steelhead Monitoring. Prepared for Contract No. P4050012 California Department of Fish and Game. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Agoura Hills, CA.

Dagit, R., K. Reagan and V. Tobias. 2007. Topanga Creek Southern Steelhead Monitoring Habitat Suitability and Monitoring Summary March 2007. Prepared for Contract No. P0450011 California Department of Fish and Game. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Agoura Hills, CA.


Rodeo Grounds Berm Removal and Restoration Project Mitigated Negative Declaration. January 2006. Prepared for CA Department of Parks and Recreation by Envicom, Corp and RCD of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Dagit, R., M. Graves and C. Wheeland. 2006. Topanga Turtle Study (Emys marmorata pallida) 2002-2006. Funded by a grant from the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Dagit, R., and K. Reagan. 2006. Southern Steelhead Trout: Topanga Creek Monitoring Summary June 2001- September 2005. Prepared for Contract Number P0350019, California Department of Fish and Game. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

CalTrout. 2006. Santa Monica Mountains Steelhead Habitat Assessment Final Project Report. January 18, 2006.

GeoPentech, 2006. Hydrogeologic Study, Lower Topanga Creek Watershed, Los Angeles County, California. Prepared for the RCD of the Santa Monica Mountains. Funded by a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy.

Tobias, V.D. 2006. Groundwater Sources and their influence on the Distribution of Steelhead in Topanga Creek, Topanga, CA. Master of Science Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


Dagit, R. B. Meyer and S. Drill. 2005. Historical Distribution of Southern Steelhead Trout in the Santa Monica Bay. Prepared for NOAA Fisheries and CA Department of Fish and Game. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Dagit, Rosi and C. Swift. 2005. Malibu Lagoon Fish Survey. Prepared for the CA Coastal Conservancy, Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan, July 2005.

Dagit, Rosi and S. Williams. 2005. Summary of Tidewater Goby Observations, Malibu Lagoon, Malibu, CA 1996-2000 for Permit PRT-811188. Data collected for Caltrans Mitigation Contract Repair of the Pacific Coast Highway Bridge over Malibu Lagoon. Submitted to USFWS, March 2005. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Moffat and Nichol. 2005. Final Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement Plan. Prepared for the California Coastal Conservancy and California Department of Fish and Game. June 2005.


Dagit, R., S. Williams and J. Fuhrman. 2004. Topanga Creek Watershed Water Quality Study Final Report. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, December, 2004.

Dagit, R. 2004. Western Pond Turtle Study in the Topanga Creek Watershed: Yearly Report May 2003-2004. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Dagit, R., C. Swift and K. Reagan. 2004. Topanga Creek Watershed Southern Steelhead Trout Monitoring Report. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Caltrans 2004. Project Study Report (Project Development Support) TOPANGA LAGOON BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND LAGOON RESTORATION. Part 1. Part 2. Prepared by Moffatt and Nichols Engineers for the RCD of the Santa Monica Mountains. Funded by a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy.

Caltrans 2004. Project Study Report (Project Development Support) TOPANGA CANYON BLVD NARROWS ROADWAY AND TUNNEL. Prepared by Moffatt and Nichols Engineers for the RCD of the Santa Monica Mountains. Funded by a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy.


Dagit, R. 2003. Western Pond Turtle Study in the Topanga Creek Watershed: First Year Report May 2002-2003. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

Dagit, R., C. Swift and K. Reagan. 2003. Topanga Creek Watershed Southern Steelhead Trout: Preliminary Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan Report. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.

GeoPentech, 2003. Initial Site Assessment Report Topanga Lagoon Restoration, Topanga, California. Prepared for Moffat & Nichol Engineers.

Moffatt and Nichols Engineers. 2003. Technical Memorandum: Topanga Lagoon Restoration Project Preliminary Soils Investigation, Los Angeles County, California.


Dagit, R. editor. 2002. Topanga Creek Watershed Management Plan. Topanga Creek Watershed Committee, Topanga, CA.:

Dagit, R. and C. Webb. 2002. Topanga Creek Watershed and Lagoon Restoration Feasibility Study. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga, CA.


Orme, A., A. Orme and K. Saunders. 2001. Topanga Creek Watershed Erosion and Sediment Delivery 2000-2001. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Geography, December 2001.


Dagit, R., J. Whitney and D. Low. 1999. Environmentally Sensitive Fuel Modification Strategies for the Urban/Wildland Interface: Evaluation and Modeling of Clearance Strategies. Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains. Topanga, CA October 1999. Report for CDF Grant No. 8CA97064. 40 pgs.