818-597-8627 info@rcdsmm.org

Adopt a Baby Oak Tree!

CA State Parks and RCDSMM have been working together to restore 10 acres of oak woodlands that were devastated during the last drought at Trippet Ranch in Topanga State Park. Over 250 acorns and seedlings have been planted to mitigate the loss experienced in the park.

While the RCD holds bi-monthly volunteer events in which individuals help Stream Team members water and care for these oaks, during hotter months many of these young trees require additional water. Due to lack of funding and our small staff, your RCD does not have the capacity to supply this seasonally necessary water to care for all these trees and we need your help!

Saving a baby oak tree is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Discover how you can help below:

  1. We have outlined 250 baby oaks at Trippet Ranch. During your next hike, locate the tree(s) you would like to water and check here to see if it is up for adoption!
  2. Let us know which tree you would like to help by using the following link: Adopt a Tree.
  3. Care for the tree when you can! Your tree will have an ID number on a silver tag attached to the cage.
      • Baby oaks need approximately 5 gallons of water per month, but any bit of water will help in the hot, dry summer months. Bringing an extra liter once a week when you hike can be life saving for these oaks. Pour the water slowly allowing it to soak into the soil around the inside and outside edge of the tree cage.
      • Weed around the oak when possible to remove invasive species and species that might out-compete the seedling. Let us know if the cage is damaged. Cages prevent bunnies and deer from eating the trees. Check out this image to see how weeding should look.
      • Take pictures of your oak and see the progress over time. Send us your photos to post!

Would you love to help, but are not able to visit the park regularly?

We have a small team that is able to continue to care for trees but are limited by funding.  If you would like to adopt a tree but are not able to regularly visit Trippet Ranch, you can donate to the RCDSMM Oak Fund and we can care for the tree.  It costs $25/month for us to grow the trees but all donations help!

Adopt a baby tree and help keep our oaks alive.

These oak trees can live for over 100 years and will have strong positive impacts on this area.

Give the tree some love and watch it grow for a lifetime.